Speak To Me survey

The Queensland Government is serious about making sure the views of young people are heard when we develop policies, programs and services.

One topic young people are passionate about is getting involved and being heard - but they've also told us that government doesn't communicate with them in an engaging way and because of this, they don't hear about opportunities to share their views.

We'd like to know how you want to hear from us. What platforms and formats are you attracted to? What you tell us will help us provide you with information you are interested in and hopefully, in a format that catches your attention.

Complete the short survey below so we can better meet your needs.

The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.

Speak Out is a range of activities designed to allow young people to share their views with government so we can make our policies, programs and services better for all Queenslanders.

In 2021, we've visited Rockhampton, Mossman Gorge, Ipswich, Hervey Bay, Mount Isa, Caloundra and Brisbane to hear directly from young people and they've had some really insightful things to say.

Access to mental health services, affordable housing and the environment continue to be high on young people's radars.

If you'd like to get involved, visit the Speak Out website (www.qld.gov.au/speakout) which has a range of opportunities for you to have your say. While you're there you can sign up to the Speak Out distribution list and we'll email you when something new is coming.